444-0045: Edgar - "NOTA"


Edgar is a new artist to 444% – but not to the streets of Toronto.


An enigmatic figure that has walked some of the toughest roads imaginable, he’s turning that lived experience into some of the sharpest rap records coming out of the city.


With a razor sharp wit to match the buck fifty scar on his face, his project is one of the city’s greatest untold stories, a unique combination of rap brags, philosophical queries and social discourse. From the opening bars of “Prove It’ it was clear to us he’s an incredibly talented and dangerously prolific new voice. “ÓRALE follows closely on its heels, showing a more melodic, but equally vivid side of the emerging artist.


NOTA is the first tape from Edgar, a voice that bar for bar, pound for pound matches up with anyone in the game, we feel.


Having known him for years prior to the start of this project this year, we’ve witnessed an incredible in-studio ability and a deeply energetic awareness of the city’s culture and history.


For fans of rap titans at their most raw, intellectual and real, this project will resonate.

© 444% 2024